
CHIL Food Center

We are B2B Artificial intelligence guided Fintech  platform that offers Buy Now and pay later services to legally registered food retail, stocking and distribution  SMEs

Increase Average Sales Per Customer By Up To 40%

Double your overall sales with flexible credit period for buyers you serve and increase your average sales


Benefits For Brands & Enterprises

Choose To Save
The Merchant Discount Rate

Either save up to 2% of the merchant discount rate or bear the same to attract more buyers

Purchase Experience

Provide a seamless purchase experience to your buyers without the hassle of entering credit/debit card details.

Improve Cart Conversion
Rate By Up To 30%

Incentivise your buyers to buy more by offering an extended credit period only on your platform

Hassle-free API Integration
In Less Than 24 Hours

Quick API integration for increased efficiency & zero dropout rates at the point of sale

Quick And Easy
Digital Process

Chil offers an entirely digital process without the need for long documentations

Our Mission:

To help you deliver the B2C-like buying experience expected by a new generation of food business customers.

Who We Serve

Brands & Enterprises That Sell To Other MSMEs & Businesses
Buyers of B2B
Stores of Franchise
High-selling B2B
With our
Food Assistant App

You are assured of favourable payment terms every food retailer deserves while you benefit from upfront payments and zero risk to your credit card.

Buy as a
group of retailers

Register as a group and get auto scored by AI to verify credit worthiness & enjoy our discounted food products with just a click.

Buy as an
individual retailer

Register fast & get to buy your required food on credit from a range of available suppliers.

Chil’s Pay Later Platform

Our Pay Later solution is a closed-loop channel financing solution leveraging cutting-edge technology to offer working capital finance to food Dealers / Distributors / Stockists / Retailers of any food brands or products. Our tailor-made solution helps brands & enterprises get instant payment against products sold, while their business buyers get immediate financing, based on their credit profile, to purchase food products on credit with a flexible repayment window.


Buyers Who Can be Availed With CHIL’s Pay Later - B2B Payments Solution

MSMEs/Businesses should be
operational for at least 6 months

Chil’s Pay Later covers buyers
from Proprietorship/ Partnership/Private Ltd